Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ever since my dominant hobby has become knitting, I have surfed quite some hours in the net looking for tutorials, videos, patterns, et cetera, et cetera ... While trying to figure out all the new knitting symbols and methods, I had to abandon the yarn weights which then meant nothing and sounded too complicated until I recently met Kineret to ask her of the mystery :) She was very helpful to provide me with the info that makes so much sense now. If you have yarn of unknown weight, the wrapping method gives a good indication of the yarn weight. Wrap the yarn around a ruler and make sure the yarn lays flat. Push the yarn together so there are no gaps between wraps. Smooth it out so it is not loose, but not be pulled tight. Measure the number of wraps per inch. Et voila!

This morning I was busy digging my stash out and winding all the available yarns on my ruler, counting and recording ... It was fun and now I know what they all mean :) Thanks Kineret!

BTW, Kineret is the mother of five and has some wonderful yarn and a webpage "The Wolly Rhinoceroswhere she sells them with her friend Orianne.

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