Thursday, June 06, 2013

Occupy Taksim

Among many, including brutal scenes by the police, this is my favorate ... Lady in black resisting the police using disproportionate force; probably being convinced to move aside by a friend ~ Φοτο by Sinem Babul ~ Gezi Parkı eylemlerinin; polisin orantısız gücüne karşı kollarını açarak direnen siyah elbiseli kadını.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Greetings EVERYBODY!

You may all be aware of the recent revolt in Turkey which has become a loud cry globally. I have been actively using my profile at facebook since a while and shared pictures, opinions, news etc. Unfortunately, my favorate hobby remained collateral, limited with small projects at leisure.

Just a short note to inform you that, I shall be using this blog to store/compose - hopefully in tolerable sizes - my remarks on whatever attracts my attention as they arrive. I am desperately lost and losing time trying to find what I have previously quoted in FB.

Initial texts will be in Turkish but an English translation will follow. Small gifts will keep coming too, however, my pre-occupation is the future ... And a fair future for "life for all" ... Bear with me :)