Sunday, May 16, 2010


My dear hand-sewn dress is now complete; laundered and
prêt-à-porter ... This was a first for me and I have no pattern. This dress is all rectangle pieces sewn together by hand!

Needless to say, alternatives are immense and this morning I had fun trying a few and wanted to share them with you :)

With a nice Indian cotton scarf and again a handmade necklace with Ottoman pieces and turquoise;

a beautiful silk scarf, ear-rings and a necklace by a local artist made of glass with patina (these glass beads of the necklace are made from the broken Roman "tear bottles" found in Afghanistan which is a good + 2000 years);

with a handwoven cotton scarf accompanied by silver, needlelace and pearls;

or silk, gold and agate :)


1 comment:

Lavanta Bahçesi said...

gorgeous! una maravilla!