Saturday, May 15, 2010

1884 Sampler

This sampler is from France. It is sewn on a cardboard. When I received it, I was trying to figure its age and the back rewarded me with the answer. When you carefully look at the centre of the left edge, you also will be delighted as myself :)

Surely, this does not necessarily indicate nor confirm the year of the sampler. The sampler could well be dating pre or post 1884. However, it is indeed a good monitor for an approximate estimate!

I am charting the sampler to soon place it among my other patterns for sale and the proceeds will go to BGD. I now have a list of the wonderful people who already made donations and they will all be getting the pattern for free as an appreciation of their valuable contribution :)

Je prepare la grille et bientot il sera pret a vente et le profit ira a BGD. Recemment, j'ai une liste des merveilleux gens qui ont deja fait des dons et je vais leur faire un petit cadeau; leur precieuse contribution est beaucoup apprecie :)

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